How To Structure Your Songs From Beginning To End (Songwriting Tips For Beginners) songwriting tips for beginners

Song structure is more than just "the order you put things in." When taken seriously, the arrangement you choose can have a ripple effect of awesomeness that touches other elements of your song. Important ones too– like the story, dynamics, emotion, delivery...

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How To Write Chord Progressions That Inspire You (Songwriting Tips For Beginners) songwriting tips for beginners

Chords that are chosen well and put into good chord progressions make our songs sound interesting, emotional and pleasing to the ear. As a beginning songwriter, you might wonder how to make your own chords and how to come up with chord progressions for your songs.


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How To Write Believable Lyrics You're Confident In (Songwriting Tips For Beginners) songwriting tips for beginners

Writing lyrics is one of the most challenging parts of making songs. How do you craft a story? How do you find the concept of a song and make the lyrics sound relatable and human? I’m going to break this process down and encourage you to step through it methodically. So you can start...

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How To Get Better At Writing Songs (3 Songwriting Tips For Beginners) songwriting tips for beginners

After beginning to write music for a little while, you might be wondering "how do I get better at writing songs?" Which is totally natural, and a good indicator that you enjoy this stuff! Today, I want to share my "Betterment Blueprint" with you. These are the best 3 steps you could take going...

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How To Start Writing A Song For Beginners (No Instruments? Music or Lyrics First? Best Software?) songwriting tips for beginners

If you're wondering how to start writing your own song, chances are you're overwhelmed. There's so much information about the best way to start writing a song that it can leave beginners stuck in "information consumption mode" and not "music creation mode." My goal is simplify all this...

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How To Write Catchy Vocal Melodies For Songs (Songwriting Tips For Beginners) songwriting tips for beginners

Nothing has more potential to be stickier and catchier than melody. If we want people to remember our songs, we should take the time to write a good melody. Before figuring out how to come up with vocal melodies, it's important to have the right mindset and strategy.

It starts with the mindset...

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