Here's what this place is about...


What's up fellow music maker! I'm Nathan Eswine, a songwriter/producer from St. Louis, MO. Thanks for hanging out!
So, I make songs for a living. Whether it's for a film, tv show or custom order, it's pretty normal for me to finish 2-4 songs a week nowadays... but oh man, it was NOT always like that! 
Like so many song-makers out there, writer's block got the best of me for years. Robbing me of creativity, motivation and inspiration. Can you relate? Has it messed with you too? 

Test Positive For Writer's Block?

Time for a little self-inventory. Here are my five symptoms of writer's block. Check if the symptom hits home for you:
  • Procrastination – you'll watch a bunch of tutorials but still won't create anything.

  • Overwhelm – you sit down to write a song and clam-up. It's frustrating trying to make something original. 

  • Restlessness – you never seem to be happy with what you make. Changing your song over and over again.

  • Discipline – it's hard for you to stay consistent. Sometimes you'll make music, but often you don't make the time or can't find inspiration.

  • Doubt – you struggle with internal feelings of not being good enough and if your song is going to work when it's done. Asking, "is this even worth finishing?"

Okay... how'd you score? 2/5? 4/5? No stress. I was a 5/5 myself, so you're in good company my friend!

Whether you've been making songs for a while but struggle with motivation or a good workflow...

Or you're just overwhelmed by the song making process and don't know where to start... 

I can help you.

Finished Songs Are The Songs That Go Somewhere

So here's the thing:
  • I'm not a hit songwriter.
  • I'm not a massive artist or even a well known indie one.
  • I've never toured or shot a big budget music video.
  • I haven't seen my name or a song of mine in the "top 10" anything.
And yet:
  • My songs have been heard by millions of people all around the world.
  • I've performed my original music live in front of thousands. 
  • I've been in sessions at fancy studios with big artists, producers and songwriters, sharing my latest songs. 
  • My songs have provided for my family. Which is the most meaningful to me.
The revenue from my music isn't anything flashy, but it has taken care of my family. In real, tangible, practical, ordinarily awesome kinds of ways. It's enabled my wife and I to pay off debt, save extra money and enjoy fun, life-giving experiences that the income from our day jobs just couldn't afford. 
How is this all possible? As best I can discern, apart from God's providence, the biggest reason some Hollywood things happened to this midwestern dude is because of one thing:
Finished songs.
Hands down the biggest reason any of those bullet points above were possible. I've come to understand something very important... a powerful fact, capable of life-change... 
Finished songs are the songs that go somewhere.
And hear me – that doesn't have to mean "go somewhere professionally." It can literally mean just leaving your hard drive of demos and going to a streaming service like Spotify or Apple Music. Giving you the satisfaction of a job well done and a song well made. That you own 100% of and can have the confidence to share with the world!

Better yet – share with YOUR world. The people you care about and that care about you. Your friends, family, co-workers and other music makers!

This is especially true if you do have any professional ambitions for your songs and hope to earn some income with your craft.
Finished songs are the ones that get played for the deciding ears of supervisors, directors, producers and artists. Finished songs are the ones that get passed around. Demos, sketches and rough mixes are fine for your own reference or anyone you're creating with... but that slang doesn't compute well with the industry. The songs that make money are the songs that are delivered finished.
So whether it's a soul-nourishing hobby or it's a serious dream, un-finished songs are your achilles heel. Your kryptonite. It's the bare patch on Smaug's belly (LOTR anyone?). They rob you of future awesomeness to experience... whatever your desired outcome is.


Unfinished songs are our weakness as songwriters, producers and artists... wanna fix that?


If so, you're in the right place! It's normal for me to pace about 2-4 finished songs a week, even when I had a full-time day job. I want to show you exactly how I do it.

I've created a FREE guide where I teach you the exact 5-part system for creating songs from start to finish in your spare time.
In this FREE pdf download, you'll learn:
  • How to start writing a song (that is set up for you to finish!)
  • The best and fastest way to get melody ideas for your vocals
  • How you can write lyrics that mean a lot in a little amount of time
  • The exact system I used to create a deluxe album's worth of songs (at a pace of 1 song a week for 14 weeks) with a full time job and family responsibilities

Even if you only have 30 minutes a day, you can put this workflow into action and begin making the songs you know you're capable of.
